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Blog Post- September Black Hole 2021 Something

I hope everyone is staying happy and healthy out there in this quickly changing world. Which to that effect, I have no comment.

But in other news, I’m looking at querying my Tabias series to magazines to hopefully get him in print. So those shorts stories have stopped on here. Sorry guys! I’ll keep you updated as to where you can read his story further. Hopefully it gets picked up so I can finish his Trash Can Men tale 🙂

On my novel front, the title has changed. I don’t have a solid name yet, so stay posted for that as well (nee Cattywampus.) It’s with the editor, once again, after I had to do a complete rewrite to make the heroine be the victor in each hump in her quest. It’s changed, but I’m still super excited for her story to get to print and to you guys.

I’ve almost completed a sequel for that story (we’ll call it Cattywampus 2 for ease.) But the Obscura series continues! I have another novel outlined for the Obscura world, another novel outlined about a undead girl trying to find her way in a world that won’t let her die, and putting together a character binder to better round out my charactization.

In the meantime, I’m thinking I will run another online novel. It’s the one I wrote last year on one of my solo writer retreats. Right now it’s all in pen on paper and needs to be typed up and then posted. I’m aiming for every three day postings once I’m ready to run it.

I see the blurb has ‘encountered a problem’ on my website. So that makes me think I need to do some revamping on my website and then I will post a new blurb, and send it out as a email.

Take care, my friends

Norma Rrae

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