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I don’t know what that is either, I’m a writer.

Interrobangs? What the heck, how are these words English!

So a pilcrow is a paragraph mark and an interrobang is a a printed punctuation mark (altho not available for most keyboards) it combines the lovely ? And ! When indicating a rhetorical question.

I know these only from the lovely dictionary update emails I receive.

I’m a writer not a grammar wiz, I’m sure there’s a name for those too, but the point of this is that I try to learn and absorb as much information as I can about the writing world but there is always so much to absorb not to mention my own stories I’m trying to build and characters I’m moving around the game board in my head.

And I know lots of writers have their advice for other potential writers and I know this has been said before but I firmly believe the one piece of advice that I can offer is don’t give up.

Because it’s been seven years for me of my free time going into writing, my quiet time at work or social thinking about dialogue and making notes for a story, my beach relaxing Sundays of writing poetry to really start learning what it is I’m trying to do.

Stay learning,

Norma Rrae

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