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Not Me Writing Website












I’m a Dark Fantasy writer. I enjoy writing everything from Adult Literary Fiction to Fantasy Thrillers to YA Horror.

I live in BC, Canada, with my husband, three teenage children, four large breed dogs, a hedgehog, a hamster, a snake and a bearded dragon. My oldest son has already moved out on his own and has his own child, a fiery redhead, that looks exactly like my adult son. I know already why being a grandparent is so amazing, it’s like I can redo my son’s younger years (without all the messy parts.)

My hobbies? You guessed it: writing. But there’s also reading, photography, poetry, gardening, hunting and fishing. And sleeping. I love dreaming and spent a solid year writing them down every night. I often pull inspiration from my dreams and thank my subconscious for this (except when the dream is scary and leaves me feeling spooked for the day.)

I read all the books I can. My house features a full wall bookshelf where I keep sane during long northern winters by buying new books, especially from authors I meet and reorganizing them on my shelf with inspiration from Pinterest. My coolest catch was a signed copy from an author in England.

I work as a Community and Family Services Coordinator at The Salvation Army Food Bank and feel that all my life circumstances have brought me exactly to where I need to be and I love my new work family already.

Saturdays for me are nearly always the same; an audiobook on my headphones, cleaning, music, cleaning, writing, cleaning, laundry, writing, eating, shopping, writing then movie night. Clock work. It’s a beautiful thing.

The worst mix of two chemicals in my life- is darkness and my over active imagination, so yes, I am deathly afraid of the dark.

My favorite thing to do is sit in front of my woodstove writing a new story and cuddling my dogs.

One of the first things I remember learning about being a writer was to read. Read everything; the good, the bad and the ugly. I’m a very slow reader. So that makes my Goodreads challenge hard but I still wake up early before work to read every morning with my coffee while laying in bed, cuddling my dogs. At night, I snuggle in and read for nearly ten whole minutes before I fall asleep.

My first published novel is coming with Archway Publishing (sublet of Simon and Schuster) in 2022 called Justyce Scales of the Otherly and Obscura (YA Fantasy Thriller.) The novel is a mass up between Alice in Wonderland and Stranger Things.

The picture that didn’t make the cut as my ‘official author photo’ but you’ll have to buy my book to see the number one pick!

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19 responses to “You’re still here? So you want to know more!”

  1. hello this submit so interesting

    Liked by 3 people

  2. Hi Norma,
    Nice dog! Thanks for following my blog, which is appreciated.
    Best wishes, Pete.


  3. Author Arnold B. Spencer Avatar
    Author Arnold B. Spencer

    Nice 🙂


  4. Good idea making this a query!

    Have you considered self-publishing? Someone suggested it to me, kindle version…I’m on the fence.


    1. I have some of my work published with a small house in Ireland, but the majority of them have been self-published. Currently just e-books (as book formatting seems to be beyond my skill set) It’s a little scary, but it isn’t hard.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Congratulations on getting your book published!


    1. Thanks! It’s pretty exciting that’s for sure 🤗


  6. Thanks Norma for finding me and Welcome !


  7. Pleasure to meet you, fellow writer and fellow slow reader. I wonder if you’re like me – you don’t just read words, you have to direct the movie in your mind? Still, I get through at least one book a month by listening to audio books while I cook. Looking forward to checking out Flee Obscura. 🙂


    1. I most definitely play them as movies in my head! 🤓


  8. Congratulations on all your publications! Writing is hard work, so you are to be commended not only for your creativity and innovation but also your determination to pull things together and publish.
    Thanks so much for following our blog, Oh, the Places We See. It’s great to have you aboard, even though we’re not traveling as much as we used to.


  9. Thank you for visit and like ! 🙂


  10. Hi Norma! Thanks a lot for following The Pinay Ajumma! Such an honour.
    I look forward to reading more from you! 🙂


  11. Congratulations on your perseverance, and getting your work published. All of us writers have to answer the question for ourselves – why do we write, who do we write for? Be well.


  12. Dear Norma,
    Thank you for choosing to follow my blog, Bobbing Around. I hope my words will be of service to you for a long time.
    There are many writing-related essays there, mostly under “Rhobin’s Round Robin.”


  13. You have published a lot of books, which takes some dedication and, of course, a lot of love for your craft. I’m a slow reader, too, and like you, I always fall asleep on whatever I’m reading at night. Still, I couldn’t imagine a day without reading or writing nowadays. Many congratulations on the works you’ve published so far, Norma.


  14. Merci Norma et Félicitations pour ton travail et toutes tes publications !
    Bonne fête de fin d’année à toi et à toute ta famille, malgré les difficultés liées au Coronavirus.
    Sois prudente et prends bien soin de toi. Bisous d’amitié.


    1. Thank you for your kind words, I wish you all the best of 2021 and yes, hopefully this virus silently dissipates and we can all live normally once more.

      Liked by 1 person

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